>>>  HOW TO CONTACT:  Your surefire bet is to use the chat feature right here on the website! It is the button that says "CHAT" in the lower right hand corner of your screen.  <<<

Email is answered Monday - Friday, additional updates are provided on our instagram!

NOTICE: For anybody having trouble getting in touch on emails, our instagram which is @itisnotabrand, is our preferred method of contact for now. Please send any messages there and we will get back to you asap

Shipping takes 4-8 days to handle and then an additional 2-7 days in the US for the package to make its way too you. (if you had preorder add on that date to this time) TOTAL TIME (6-15 DAYS)

INTERNATIONAL ORDERS: Same 4-6 day handling but shipping is around 6-14 days depending on your country, farther away from the US = more of a wait

-In cases of preorders, they will take the additional amount specified (typically 7-14 days) to get here and then same time for shipping speed

If you have any questions or concerns please use the contact page of the site or send us a message on Instagram at @itisnotabrand